Mark .NET Web API endpoint as obsolete / deprecated


How to do this, in order to let developers know not to use it?

It should be clearly visible in Swagger (the default in Web API) too.


Just use the normal Obsolete attribute in C# on the endpoint method:

[Obsolete("This endpoint is obsolete. Call /WeatherForecastAI instead.")]
[HttpGet(Name = "GetWeatherForecast")]
public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> Get()

This will make the endpoint show up on Swagger as grayed out and with a strike-through:

endpoint obsolete

I've also tried to use the Deprecated property of ApiVersion, but it didn't have any effect on Swagger.

(This is a simple thing, I posted it on A Dev just because I couldn't find something clear in my web searches.)

Author: Dan Dumitru
Last Edit: August 7, 2024
2 Thanks received
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